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Some fences are missing from the list below because they are not properly snapped to the track. Make sure that fences are snapped to the track and have at least one track point between each other.

# Description Distance Next Fence
Start 67 m
1 Ramp 67 m 89 m
2 Log 156 m 91 m
3 Log 247 m 108 m
4 Table 354 m 26 m
4 380 m 373 m
6 Fox Ramp 754 m 54 m
7 807 m 77 m
8 Log Cabin 884 m 59 m
9 Mountain Ramp 944 m 120 m
10 Ditch 1064 m 88 m
11 Ladybug 1152 m 58 m
12 Boat 1211 m 157 m
13 Quarter Roll 1367 m 78 m
14 Gate 1446 m 146 m
15 Hanging Log 1591 m 100 m
16 Weldons Wall 1692 m 57 m
17 Log Ramp 1749 m 25 m
Finish 1774 m

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