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# Description Top Spread Base Spread Front Height Center Height Back Height Brush Height Drop Height Width
1 Flower Log
2 Hedge Wave Planks
3 Bee Chevron
4 Triple Bar
5A Rolltop Sunken Road
5B Sunken Road Bank Up
6 Saw Blade
7A Brush A
7B Brush B
8 Flower Pallisade
9 Water Log
10A Water Bank Down
10B Water Bank Up
10C Water Hedge Log
11 Hilltop Log
12 Feedbarn Box
13 Railway Carriage
14 Kempys Mine
15 Bank Down
16 KDPC Roller
17 Trakhener
18 Brickwall
19 Cherry Blossom Sticks
20 Lucys Picture Frame
21 Pencil Owl Hole

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